Click on the Little M above to go to the GNM info site :3 ! (Gnm site is a wip)

Pomee's About Me

-I'm Ross/Rossie/Pomee ect, give me a nickname if you want idc!
- I’m a nonbinary transmasc lesbian
- They/them ONLY!!
-I'm 16+ (I'm 20 years old)
-Favorite color is ORANGE!!
-I’m Honduran American
-I enjoy a lot of things but mainly post stuff I’m very fixated on the most!!
-my art is a bit suggestive be aware of that please and thank you !
I'm perfectly fine with my art being used in any way (nonprofit only) just credit me!

Da Byf & Dni! (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)

-I only post my ocs and occasional fanart
-I spam my story (instagram)
-I make die/kys jokes to friends ummmm.
-I don't put tws on any of my work unless i think it's really needed
-I need tone indicators if we ain't friends/I dont know you well
-delete dms on a daily basis/ take a bit to answer back on dms
-most of the things I say should be taken lightly unless I state otherwise. I joke ALOT
-do not make any weird sexual jokes towards me
Dni (I hate these peopl)
-basic DNI
-if you hate on my content you loserz!!!!!
-ask to be my friend
(it's weird)

(these are for all my socials and my discord server!!)